Treatment consists of medication and good hygiene measures:
Mebendazole 100mg (1 dose) for children over the age of 6 months. All household members including adults and asymptomatic individuals should be treated with one dose. A second dose may be required in 2 weeks if re-infection occurs. Mebendazole is not recommended under the age of 6 months or for pregnant women and these patients are encouraged to manage symptoms with good hygiene measures
Hygiene measures:
Threadworm eggs can survive for up to 2 weeks outside the body on underwear, bedding and other objects. Good hygiene measures will help to clear eggs from the body and home and therefore prevent re-infection. Such measures include:
- Keep fingernails short, wash hands and scrub nails every morning.
- Always wash hands before meals and before preparing food, after the toilet and after nappy changes
- Change and wash underwear, nightwear and bed linen every day at a hot temperature (at least 40 degrees)
- Wash soft toys regularly (at least 40 degrees)
- Vacuum all household carpets
- Damp-dust smooth surfaces with wet cloth, particularly in children’s play area
- Clean bathroom surfaces with a strong chlorine-based disinfectant
- Rinse toothbrushes before use
Things you should not do:
- Do not share towels or clothing
- Do not shake beddings to prevent eggs from landing on other surfaces
- Do not bite/suck fingers
If re-infection occurs:
- Other causes of symptoms should be considered
- Consider re-treatment with 1 dose mebendazole if diagnosis uncertain
- Consider treatment with 3 day course of mebendazole (100mg for 3 days)
- Reinforce strict hygiene measures
If the above are still ineffective then consider referral to a paediatrician for further investigation or management. However, in most cases strict hygiene measures have not been adhered to.