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Breastfeeding is recommended by the World Health Organization as the best way to feed infants. The Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children strongly supports breastfeeding and encourages mothers to breastfeed exclusively to 6 months (around 26 weeks), and to continue breastfeeding for as long as they and their child wishes, after introducing solid foods. Even if mothers do not exclusively breastfeed, the more breastmilk their babies receive, the greater the benefits in terms of protection against infections, optimum nutrition, attachment with their mother, and later health benefits for both the mother and child.
Although breastfeeding is a natural process, many mothers need support, particularly in the early weeks. Without expert help mothers may give up breastfeeding.
UNICEF BFI Call to Action
There are a lot of resources available to support parents with breastfeeding which are freely available (see below).
If a mother is having difficulties with breastfeeding, consider signposting her to the range of community resources listed below.
If difficulties persist, despite help from yourself and their health visitor, consider a referral to the Infant Feeding Advisors in GGC. Complete the referral form with as much information as you are able to provide and e-mail to Breastfeeding.Clinic@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.
If you or the mother’s health visitor examine an infant and see a tongue tie, and there are issues with breastfeeding or the mother is keen to discuss division, refer to the Tongue Tie Clinic, run by the Paediatric ENT department, via the SCI gateway. There is no need to refer as ‘urgent’ as all tongue ties are seen as quickly as possible. The infant will be examined at the tongue tie clinic and division will be offered if felt appropriate.
Also signpost the mother to the range of resources listed below and ask for support from the health visitor. If breastfeeding is difficult due to poor attachment and pain, ensure that the mother is supported to protect her breastmilk supply, for example with regular milk expression, and plenty of skin to skin contact, whilst waiting for the clinic appointment.
If there are concerns that a breastfed infant has medical concerns, for example gastro-oesophageal reflux or constipation, refer to the relevant advice on these issues that is available on this website, and if considered appropriate refer the infant via the SCI gateway.
Most medicines can be safely prescribed during breastfeeding. The following are useful sites that provide guidance on drugs and breastfeeding.
The following are useful resources for parents, and are all freely available:
National Childbirth Trust (NCT) Glasgow Breastfeeding Buddies
This resource provides neonatal support groups (see flyer on website) and can also provide one-on-one support via phone, Attend Anywhere video call, or message. Mothers can text ‘FEED’ with their name and postcode to 82222 (neonatal support) or 81222 (term baby support) to opt in and be sent the registration link. Alternatively there is also a QR code on this flyer.
Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative
This includes a lot of information about breastfeeding for health care providers and parents. The website also has a list of resources, including videos on topics such as positioning/attachment, increasing breastmilk supply and feeding twins.
Breastfeeding | Ready Steady Baby!
This site includes information about breastfeeding, and also about pregnancy, labour and meeting your new baby. There is also a ‘Browse Aloud’ function on the site, that reads out the information on the pages (found in the top right hand corner of the NHS site).
Last reviewed: 04 August 2021
Next review: 04 August 2022
Author(s): Ruth Bland, Gillian Bowker, Debbie Barnett