NHSGGC Paediatrics for Health Professionals
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NHSGGC Guidelines
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NHSGGC Guidelines
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Fluid resuscitation protocol in burns - specific ICU fluid guidance (COBIS)
Fluid resuscitation protocol in burns - specific ICU fluid guidance (COBIS)
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Fluid resuscitation protocol in burns - specific ICU fluid guidance (COBIS 2020)
NHSGGC Guidelines
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NHSGGC Guidelines
Other Guidelines
Acute kidney injury: prevention, detection and management (NICE NG148)
Anaphylaxis: assessment and referral after emergency treatment (NICE CG134)
Antimicrobial stewardship: systems and processes for effective antimicrobial medicine use (NICE NG15)
Association of Paediatric Palliative Care Master Formulary 5th ed
Blood transfusion (NICE NG24)
British guideline on the management of asthma (SIGN 158)
Bronchiolitis in children: diagnosis and management (SIGN NG9)
Burn dressing guideline (COBIS)
Caring for the child/young person with a tracheostomy (NHS HIS Best Practice Statement)
Child maltreatment: when to suspect maltreatment in under 16s (NICE CG89)
Referral criteria for transfer of patients to National Burn Centre in Scotland (COBIS)
Crohn’s disease: management (NICE NG129)
DAS - Extubation Guidelines: 'at risk' Algorithm
DAS - Extubation Guidelines: Basic Algorithm
DAS - Extubation Guidelines: Low Risk Algorithm
Diabetes (type 1 & type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management (NICE NG18)
Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in under 5s: diagnosis and management (NICE CG84)
Epilepsies in children, young people and adults (NICE NG217)
Fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management (NICE NG143)
Fluid resuscitation protocol in burns - specific ICU fluid guidance (COBIS)
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in children and young people: diagnosis and management (NICE NG1)
Good practice in postoperative and procedural pain management (APA 2nd ed)
Head injury: assessment and early management (NICE NG232)
Intravenous fluid therapy in children and young people in hospital (NICE NG29)
ESPGHAN new guidelines for the diagnosis of paediatric coeliac disease
Management of airway burns and inhalation injury, paediatric (COBIS)
Management of children and young people with an acute decrease in conscious level (RCPCH)
Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal septicaemia in under 16s: recognition, diagnosis and management (NICE CG102)
Nutrition in thermal injuries, paediatric (COBIS)
Organ donation for transplantation: improving donor identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation (NICE CG135)
Paediatric difficult airway guidelines (DAS)
Paediatric Sepsis 6
Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis: antimicrobial prophylaxis against infective endocarditis in adults and children undergoing interventional procedures (NICE CG64)
Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines
Sedation in under 19s: using sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (NICE CG112)
Self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence (NICE NG225)
Sickle cell disease: managing acute painful episodes in hospital (NICE CG143)
Spasticity in under 19s: management (NICE CG145)
Stroke in childhood: clinical guideline for diagnosis, management and rehabilitation (RCPCH 2017)
Surgical site infections: prevention and treatment (NICE NG125)
UKRC 2021 - Adult advanced life support
UKRC 2021 - Adult Basic Life Support
UKRC 2021 - Paediatric advanced life support
UKRC 2021 - Paediatric basic life support
UKRC 2021 - Post-resuscitation care
UKRC 2021 - Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth
BSPGHAN Investigation and treatment of liver disease with acute onset
BSPGHAN Guideline for the Investigation of Neonatal Conjugated Jaundice
Management of ulcerative colitis (NICE NG130)
FANS paediatric pathway for inherited arrhthmias
Children and young people exposed prenatally to alcohol (SIGN 156)
Child abuse and neglect (NICE NG76)
End of life care for infants, children and young people with life-limiting conditions: planning and management (NICE NG61)
Cerebral palsy in under 25s: assessment and management ( NICE NG62)
Constipation in children and young people: diagnosis and management (NICE CG99)
Depression in children and young people: identification and management (NG134)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management (NG87)
Cough (acute): antimicrobial prescribing (NG120)
Physical signs of child sexual abuse (RCPCH)
Pre-procedure pregnancy checking for under-16s: guidance for clinicians (RCPCH)
Allergy care pathways (RCPCH)
Jaundice in newborn babies under 28 days (NICE CG98)
Non-accidental burns and scalds in children (COBIS)
Therapy management of burns (COBIS)
Assessment, diagnosis and interventions for autism spectrum disorders (SIGN 145)
Epilepsies in children and young people: investigative procedures and management (SIGN 159)
Transitional care for individuals injured by burns, paediatric (COBIS)
Greenbook Chapter 14a: COVID-19
Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis: guidelines for healthcare providers (Resuscitation Council)
National guidance for the management of children in hospital with viral respiratory tract infections (RCPCH 2023)
Nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir, sotrovimab and tocilizumab for treating COVID-19 (NICE TA878)
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